R is for READING
We had new faces joining tonight. Abg Byn, Abg Lan and Kak Elle. As usual we started off with intros by our new abg and kakak. Rafie, Efa, Shafiq and Hakim did their thing asking all the 'personal' questions.
Reading exercise started where they were left off last two weeks. Abg Acat couldn't make it, so Kak Naz took his place managing the class.
L for love, look ma it's superman!
M for moon, mug
N for nose, no, ninjas
Q for queen, quick
R for rag, rabbit, rafie
S for sun, soup, smiley, shafiq
Kak Alia picked 4 books for them, they picked their favorite abg and kakak to practice their reading with. We had to finish the reading practice early because we were running out of time. We then revised the lesson quickly. We'll definitely continue the reading. Well, at least until we finish all the books.
That's it, til later.
ood work guys. and naz, nice photos..
selamat pengatin baru acat!! :)
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