Oh no! English Assessment!
It was February 21st and the night was chill. Rumah Ilham was unusually quite and both Azura and I were late to the IEP class. We dashed upstairs for the new location, a better and bigger room for the boys to learn English in comfort. This time it was conducted in the new and improved library. We have missed the introduction session last week but this time let the ball rolls, we are anticipating this year’s class since most of the boys will be sitting for their UPSR exams!
Surprisingly only Acat was around at that time and was about to give instructions to the boys for their assessment. We would like to know how each of them fared after a year of IEP classes. The first test is intended to find out how the boys can make their own words derived from the word TEACHER.
The second test was a spelling test derived from pictures from selected books around the library. Thankfully Aidah who came later explained that it needed to be based from simple photos and we have ransacked the library for appropriate ones. There were pictures such as elephant, aeroplane, shark, horse, clown and such. The kids were confused with some Bahasa Melayu spelling but majority of them have done a good job indeed. Abang Acat said he wanted to be the *garang* facilitator that night.
Hmm…looks like he tried his best though.
The last test was conducted shortly for their reading and understanding of a simple story book. Only some of the boys need no help at all on their pronunciation, but most of them still requires help (and some of them are smart enough to narrate the story based on the pictures shown, ehehhe). Aizan, Azura, Acat, Aidah, Chaint and I were there to assess the boys’ reading test and it was done in a jiffy.
We certainly hope that the boys will not be too tired nor sleepy with next time
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