Saturday, July 30, 2005

Jumbled Up!!


hehe.. can u guess those word?

We played a game with the boys.. the theme was 'Meals & Food Stuff', which we got off their textbook.. This time the boys had to answer individually with little assistance from their fellow friends. When the words were too difficult, they were given clues and hints from Abang Khalid and the Kakak-kakak..

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Kak Aidah and Kak Oza took lead this week (after Abang Khalid & Kak Naz gave some 'reminders' to the boys about importance of learning and reviewing.. once in a while the boys do need a little bit of reminding, for their own good..)

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At the end of class - Abang Khalid came up with a rap song entitled: "Kita tak makan INI - We only eat THIS" hehe good one Acat!!

Answers to the jumbled words above:

nernid - dinner
unchl - lunch
uijec - juice
tatpoo - potato
febarkast - breakfast

Thursday, July 28, 2005

IEP Friday

Details of our next IEP @ Rumah Ilham, TTDI are as below:

Friday, 29th July 2005
8:30 - 10:00 pm
Rumah Ilham, Pinggiran TTDI

Please feel free to contact any of us at

Brainstorming Session

I arrived late at Ilham last Friday thanks to the 'efficient' LRT Service ;(

When I got there, saw the Kakak2 and Abang2 all ready to start! *phew, I thought to myself.. nasib baik ada diaorang ni :) semua boleh harap!!* so as usual, salam2 with the kids first and joined the class.

We started off with a spelling bee - they were asked to spell out 4 words we gave them to memorize last week as homework and also give us the meaning of the words in malay. Then, we continued with a brainstorming session with the kids that night to build their word bank. Keena led the class, she divided them into 4 groups and gave 4 different key words for them to brainstorm in their groups.

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The words were:


All of us were happy to see that everyone participated in the group activity :) and we (including the abang2 and kakak2 ;p) learned some new words that night! hehehe

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Fun Friday!

Details of our next IEP @ Rumah Ilham, TTDI are as below:

Friday, 22nd July 2005
8:30 - 10:00 pm
Rumah Ilham, Pinggiran TTDI

Please feel free to contact any of us at

Draw it and Arrange it!

After all the fun the kids had at the starlight cinema, it was back to another one of our regular sessions at ilham! After the movie treat, we figured that the kids would be as psyched as we were to resume class, especially since 2 of the previous ilham classes had been cancelled. And so they were. This week, it was the storytelling session (I, myself had personally enjoyed listening to storytelling when I was small, especially since I could let my imagination run wild and picture myself as one of the characters which more often than not, happened to be a princess hehe).

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BUT, instead of having one of the kakaks of abangs to tell the story in front, it was the kids who had to rearrange the storylines so that they would all fall nicely into one big story. This was how it went. Abang Acat and Kak Ana had nicely disarranged 3 nursery rhymes/songs: The Little Teapot, Jack and Jill, and Humpty Dumpty, into scattered order and spread the parts of the stories into small cards which contained one sentence each. As there were 3 stories, the kids were divided into 3 groups whereby 1 group was assigned with 1 story. Each of the groups was supposed to rearrange the cards so that they would become one big story.

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The tricky part was that since the cards were scattered within the 3 groups, they had to go around and ask if the other groups had the card that contained their story. For example, if group 1 was assigned with Jack and Jill, the kids within the group had to go around and ask if the other 2 groups had any cards that contained Jack and Jill sentences. Once this was done, they had to draw out the story according to what was contained in the cards.

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Therefore, if a story had 4 cards, there would be 4 different drawings for each card. Finally, each of the groups had to present to the class their story together with their drawings. This part was really interesting as we got to see their drawing skills, and some of the drawings were really funny too!

So that was another night at Ilham..
Signing off, Diyana

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the abang and the kakak-kakak :) outside Inas' house

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Next IEP

Details of our next IEP @ Rumah Ilham, TTDI are as below:

Friday, 15th July 2005
8:30 - 10:00 pm
Rumah Ilham, Pinggiran TTDI

Please feel free to contact any of us at

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

No IEP Friday

Sorry to inform all of you but due to unforeseen circumstances, this Friday's IEP is CANCELLED.